Erratum Homo ludens: Adult creativity and quality of life
J.L. Fozard
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AbstractJ.L. Fozard, H. Bouma, A. Franco, J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk. Homo ludens: Adult creativity and quality of life. Gerontechnology 2009;8(4):187-196; doi:10.4017/gt.2009.;
the Hebrew text of reference 11 was in reverse order, it should read:
הויזינחה י. האדם המשחק: על מקור התרבות במשחק (Homo ludens) [in Hebrew]. Jerusalem: Bialik Institute; 1984J.L. Fozard (2010). Erratum Homo ludens: Adult creativity and quality of life. Gerontechnology, 9(1), 4-4