Foundations and goals of gerontechnology
H. Bouma
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AbstractThe introduction to this special issue describes how the earlier goals of Technology and Ageing Research were widened into the new field of Gerontechnology, which includes the whole technological environment that can assist older people to pursue and explore their interests and to obtain a better quality of life. Two routes are presented. The first is a theoretical approach to the interdisciplinary research field. The second is a pragmatic approach focussed on products and services for health promotion, but which has ambitions beyond the health domain. This issue of Gerontechnology presents papers on the political environment, on the relevance of the concept of
‘generation’ as distinct from ‘age’, on memory types and their respective possibilities for
technological support, on new tele-health opportunities, and on the scientific approach to technology adherence.Keywords: politics; generation; memory; tele-health; adherence
H. Bouma (2012). Foundations and goals of gerontechnology. Gerontechnology, 11(1), 1-4