Politics, policies, and gerontechnology
V.T. Taipale
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AbstractObjective: Contribute to the understanding of the global political environment and policy responses to the ageing population, and placing gerontechnology into the framework. Background: Personal follow-up of the political and research administration development in the field of ageing seen from different national and European Union (EU) viewpoints. Conclusions: The article describes that, although demographic development has been evident since the World War II, the political and policy responses have been slow to develop. United Nations initiatives in this field in the 1980´s failed, but were repeated in the 2002 with a more systematic approach and positive response. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has played a major role creating concepts on ageing, such as active ageing and ageing in place, always from an economic point of view. The most recent development within the European Union (EU) shows increased awareness and need for innovations to meet the challenge of ageing.Gerontechnology has thus an important role to create positive and innovative solutions to support independent living and to solve physical and mental challenges of ageing.Keywords: European and national ageing policies; research on ageing
V.T. Taipale (2012). Politics, policies, and gerontechnology. Gerontechnology, 11(1), 5-9