A Wii pressure platform to assess balance in the elderly
A. Olvera-Chávez, C. Garza-Hume, L.M. Gutiérrez-Robledo, V. E. Arango-Lopera, M.U. Pérez-Zepeda
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AbstractUse of low-cost technologies could simplify assessment of balance in elderly. Objective Determine the usefulness of the Wii™ pressure board in assessing balance in elderly. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study in a group of elderly to test their balance with the pressure board compared to conventional tests used in geriatric practice. Community-dwelling adults over 60-years old were assessed. We compared the Short Physical Performance Battery scores with the Wii force platform results (average kinetic energy). Two blinded researchers classified each set of tests; and then a weighted kappa statistic was estimated. Results We assessed a total of 20 subjects, with a median age of 67.5 years (range 60-98), 75% women. The tests were concordant in 19 of the 20 subjects; with a resulting concordance of 0.6 (p=0.05). Conclusion The Wii pressure board has a good concordance with usual clinical assessment of balance in the elderly.Keywords: balance; Wii pressure board; falls, elderly; mathematical models
A. Olvera-Chávez, C. Garza-Hume, L.M. Gutiérrez-Robledo, V. E. Arango-Lopera, M.U. Pérez-Zepeda (2013). A Wii pressure platform to assess balance in the elderly. Gerontechnology, 11(3), 452-5