An in vitro pressure ulcer approach using High Voltage Pulsed Current (HVPC) stimulation
D. Herminawaty, I.R. Defi, T. Prabowo, I. Parwati
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AbstractPurpose Immobilization will lead to pressure ulcers. The breadth and depth of impacts related to having a pressure ulcer on quality of life is significant in a physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, social, and financial sense. In Indonesia, one study reported pressure ulcers in 72 of 253 patients (28%). High Voltage Pulsed Current (HVPC), an electrical stimulation current type, has been used to promote wound healing. One of its mechanisms is thought to be antimicrobial. Our study observed the effect of HVPC on extended spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae
(ESBLKp), commonly found in pressure ulcer cultures in Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia Methods A suspension of ESBLKp was poured over an agarose-based solid medium. Immediately after inoculation HVPC (250V, 100Hz, 70µs pulse interval (current controlled) was applied for 30, 60 and 120min respectively. The experiment was done in fourfold. After 24 hrs and 48 hrs incubation the growth-inhibitory zone was measured at each pole. Results & Discussion Both poles showed growth inhibition after both 24 and 48 hrs incubation. Maximum inhibitory zone (27mm) was reached after 48 hrs around the cathode with 120min HVPC application. Different patterns of inhibition were found at the cathode and anode, with the anode zone being smaller but with more clearing. HVPC stimulation is a promising intervention for pressure ulcers infested with K. pneumoniae. Future studies should define parameter and schedule for HPVC stimulation in vivo.Keywords: HVPC, Klebsiella pneumoniae, pressure ulcer
D. Herminawaty, I.R. Defi, T. Prabowo, I. Parwati (2014). An in vitro pressure ulcer approach using High Voltage Pulsed Current (HVPC) stimulation. Gerontechnology, 12(3), 148-152