Dementia caregivers' technology preferences: Design insights from qualitative interviews
J. Schreve, R.R. Baier, G. Epstein-Lubow, R.L. Gardner
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AbstractBackground Emerging information technology may ease the burden of family caregivers, particularly those caring for adults with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. User-driven information technology design methods can determine which information technology design characteristics and functionality family caregivers of adults with dementia would find most helpful. Purpose To determine which information technology design characteristics and functionality family caregivers of adults with dementia would find most helpful. Basic procedures Between February and April 2014, we conducted structured interviews with 12 English-speaking adults aged 18 years of age or older who self-identified as a family caregiver. We then identified sub-themes and central themes based on participants’ responses, and generated technology recommendations based on the central themes. Main findings We identified 15 sub-themes, leading to description of seven central themes and eight technology design recommendations. Family caregivers were overwhelmingly receptive to the idea of website or smartphone technology interventions and detailed specific needs that technology could address, including alleviating the psychological burden and social isolation inherent in caregiving, providing access to information and resources, and helping them to ensure care recipients’ safety and track the progression of disease. Principle conclusions Our findings highlight potential technology solutions to address the overwhelming social isolation and stresses prevalent among family caregivers of adults with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Given the unmet needs of this growing group of consumers, researchers and developers of information technology should incorporate caregiver perspectives, both during the design process and in the resulting products themselves.Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, family caregivers, consumers, dementia, information technology
J. Schreve, R.R. Baier, G. Epstein-Lubow, R.L. Gardner (2016). Dementia caregivers' technology preferences: Design insights from qualitative interviews. Gerontechnology, 14(2), 89-96