Rasch analysis of the disease burden morbidity assessment in older adults: Getting closer to computerized test assessment
M.J. Forjaz, I.G.M. Wijers, C. Rodriguez-Blazquez, V. Rodriguez- Rodriguez, A. Rodriguiez-Laso, F. Rojo-Perez, M.E. Prieto Flores, G. Fernandez-Mayoralas
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Keywords: health, daily living, assessment
M.J. Forjaz, I.G.M. Wijers, C. Rodriguez-Blazquez, V. Rodriguez- Rodriguez, A. Rodriguiez-Laso, F. Rojo-Perez, M.E. Prieto Flores, G. Fernandez-Mayoralas (2016). Rasch analysis of the disease burden morbidity assessment in older adults: Getting closer to computerized test assessment. Gerontechnology, 15(0), 150-150
https://doi.org/10.4017/gt.2016. 15.s.990.00