Grandmaster J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk: The fire and soul of Gerontechnology
H. Bouma
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AbstractHow was it that Annelies van Bronswijk - a reputed biologist - became a great contributor to gerontechnology? Her background in brief: as she combined her expertise in mites and allergies with housing technologies, she was caught by the bug of gerontechnology. The demise of the then Institute for Gerontechnology awakened her of righteousness and prompted her to create `”Gerontechnology” the scientific journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology, of which she became editor-in-chief. With minimal paid assistance, and maximal personal dedication, she turned the journal into the valued collection of insights it is today. Moreover, her talent for education made her the ideal director of gerontechnology master class. At the 10th international congress in Nice, ISG justly honours her as grandmaster of gerontechnology.H. Bouma (2016). Grandmaster J.E.M.H. van Bronswijk: The fire and soul of Gerontechnology. Gerontechnology, 15(4), 247-248