Gerontechnology in standards
K. Sagawa
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AbstractA new guideline named “ISO/IEC Guide 71” has been widely accepted in the field of international standards to stimulate standard developers to take into account needs of older persons and persons with disabilities when they develop human-related standards. As the guideline is purely conceptual, science and technology on human abilities as a function of age are required to supply the concept with exact methods on how to take into account the needs of older persons appropriately. This is addressed as technical guideline(s) of Guide 71, now being developed. Gerontechnology should contribute in developing this technical guideline(s) as key technology providing useful scientific knowledge and data on aging.Keywords: International standards; ISO/IEC Guide 71; technical guideline(s)
K. Sagawa (2003). Gerontechnology in standards. Gerontechnology, 2(3), 229-232