A smartphone based approach to enhance older persons’ mobility in daily life
M. Haeger, O. Bock, W. Zijlstra
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AbstractObjective This paper aims to present a new approach for stimulating physical activity in older people. We created a new activity app to introduce older people to planning trips in their hometown using a smartphone, and hence increase activity. This paper presents our methodological approach and the functionality of our new app. Furthermore, we will present preliminary results for feasibility. Methods We used MIT App Inventor 2® to create an application for more mobility in older age. We planned two trips per week with increasing walking duration (range: 900m-4500m) over eight weeks. Moreover, we use questionnaires for system usability and individual feedback to test the feasibility of older persons using this gadget. Tests on cognition, gait, and mobility are only described and results will be presented after study completion. Results The first ten older adults finished the intervention. Their results indicate an acceptable usability (mean score 70.50 ±12.41) and significance (F = 9.217, p = .004) increased walking distances between the activity blocks. Conclusion First results of our approach indicate an acceptable usability, so we presently extend our sample size to evaluate the effects on cognition, gait, and mobility.Keywords: application, usability, elderly people, smartphone, mobility
M. Haeger, O. Bock, W. Zijlstra (2017). A smartphone based approach to enhance older persons’ mobility in daily life. Gerontechnology, 16(2), 109-114
https://doi.org/10.4017/ gt.2017.