An oral care training system for caregivers
K. Nakajima, Y. Sumi, T. Tamura
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AbstractObjective. We developed a support system for oral care consisting of a power brush with water supply and vacuum pump that can be used by dentists, nurses, and caregivers. This oral care support system is effective in removing food debris and dental plaque, and may be effective in preventing aspiration pneumonia in the elderly. Although designed for easy use, this system requires prior training for caregivers without previous experience in oral care. To reduce the risk of aspiration using this oral care support system, we developed a training program to allow caregivers to quickly acquire necessary oral care skills. Methods. The training system consisted of a mannequin, an electronic balance, and the oral care support equipment. The mannequin provides an anatomically accurate oral model, including a tongue and teeth, with a drain tube placed at the pharynx. Water leaks from the drain tube when the caregiver fails to vacuum wash water. We assumed that the amount of water leakage, as measured with an electronic balance corresponded to the subjects; oral care skill. Seven volunteers with no prior oral care experience participated in a training program consisting of ten trials of two minutes each. Result. At the beginning of the training program, 50% or more of the total water supply leaked; after the seventh trial, leakage was 20% or less. Conclusion. The training system may be useful for teaching inexperienced caregivers necessary oral care skills and use of the oral care support system.Keywords: training system; oral care; caregiver; aspiration pneumonia
K. Nakajima, Y. Sumi, T. Tamura (2003). An oral care training system for caregivers. Gerontechnology, 2(3), 263-266