Baby dolls as therapeutic tools for severe dementia patients
T. Tamura, K. Nakajima, M. Nambu, K. Nakamura, S. Yonemitsu, A. Itoh, Y. Higashi, T. Fujimoto, H. Uno
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AbstractA baby doll was used as a virtual baby for severe dementia patients who also suffered from twilight syndrome. During a therapeutic program, the occupational therapist presented two soft plastic dolls and one silicon doll for 90 seconds. The patients were observed by an occupational therapist for 60-minutes, and their reaction classified into four categories (no reaction, close observation, taking care of the baby doll, communication with other patients). The baby dolls were also delivered to the main hall after dinner, but only those patients whose attention was caught and held by a doll were interested in caring for it. The patients appeared much happier and less agitated after the dolls were presented. Although doll therapy would not suit all patients, it is a useful tool that may facilitate rehabilitation.Keywords: virtual environment; virtual baby; doll therapy; dementia patient; care
T. Tamura, K. Nakajima, M. Nambu, K. Nakamura, S. Yonemitsu, A. Itoh, Y. Higashi, T. Fujimoto, H. Uno (2001). Baby dolls as therapeutic tools for severe dementia patients. Gerontechnology, 1(2), 111-118