Fox Hunting Game: User evaluation of an exergame for community-dwelling older adults to support their mobility
A. Dijkstra, H. Kazimier-van der Zwaag, W. Kooistra, G. Swildens
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AbstractMany countries in the world have to do with an aging population. This article describes the evaluation study of an exergame to support community-dwelling older adults to stay mobile. In this study, we focused on two aspects of mobility: the extent to which a person is able to move about unaided in- and outdoors, and the extent to which a person is able to adopt a position appropriate to a certain activity. Exergaming can be defined as an experimental activity, which involves playing exergames that require physical exertion, or movements that are more than sedentary activities, and include strength, balance, and flexibility activities. The aim of the study was to evaluate if the exergame is an effective method for training community-dwelling older adults to stay or become self-reliant, mobile and socially active for as long as possible. This research project was designed as a panel study to supply data at three points in time. Overall, the conclusion can be that the study shows successful improvement of specific physical function due to the exercises of the game and mini-games. These physical functions are related to, among others, coming from stand to sit, standing unsupported, and getting in/out bed.Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, serious games, computer-assisted
A. Dijkstra, H. Kazimier-van der Zwaag, W. Kooistra, G. Swildens (2018). Fox Hunting Game: User evaluation of an exergame for community-dwelling older adults to support their mobility. Gerontechnology, 17(2), 68-76