Factors related to computer and internet use during the Third Age: Results from an empirical research in Greece
D. Alexandrakis
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AbstractIntroduction: Older adults’ population is constantly growing
worldwide. Unlike previous decades when such persons were depicted as weak and dependent on others, in recent years scientists have focused on their opportunities and capabilities. Nowadays, new technologies have improved our access to information, activities, and services and, especially for older adults, are regarded as valuable tools that help
them remain healthy, active, and connected to others. However, the lack of knowledge
and usage creates a division between those who can exploit ICT and those who cannot.
Purpose: This paper describes an empirical study on older citizens in order to explore
their attitudes, motives, and barriers regarding computer and Internet use. Through our
fndings, researchers, policymakers, and educators can broaden their knowledge about
the Third Age population in Greece in order to promote the benefts that derive from technology literacy and usage and improve the low rates of digital inclusion. Method: In the
current quantitative survey, stage sampling was implemented. A structured questionnaire
was used in order to explore the attitudes as well as the factors that affect computer and
Internet use of 155 older adults in seven different regions in Greece. Results: According to
our results, the attitudes of the majority, regarding the use of desktop or laptop computers
and the Internet, are positive but only a minority of the participants use them. Additionally, a considerable number of factors, such as demographics and specifc attitudes, were
proven to be statistically related to the usage of these technologies.Keywords: computer, internet, older adults, Third Age, attitudes, Greece
D. Alexandrakis (2019). Factors related to computer and internet use during the Third Age: Results from an empirical research in Greece. Gerontechnology, 18(1), 47-58
https://doi. org/10.4017/gt.2019.