Task lighting for Thai older adults: Study of the visual performance of lighting effect characteristics
C. Namanee, N. Tuaycharoen
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AbstractThe purpose of this project was to study a variety of task lighting conditions in order to identify the most favourable conditions for visual performance and subjective preference as judged by Thai older people in which the bedroom context was chosen for the research. There were two sessions for this purpose. The first session aimed to observe the effect of lighting on the visual performance of Thai older adults. The impact of the lighting variables was also examined, including illuminance, correlated colour temperature (CCT), and lighting output characteristics on the measurements of the Numerical Verification Test (NVT). Twenty-four Thai older adults participated in the experiment. The second session explored the effect of illuminance, CCT, and lighting output characteristics based on a subjective assessment. The results showed that the Thai older adults believed illuminance and CCT significantly affected the NVT measure as well as other subjective measures. The results also showed that, for the bedroom, 1,250 lux appeared to produce the highest visual performance while 750 lux at a CCT = 6,500 K and up/down light output characteristic (40/60) was the most preferred by the Thai older adults.Keywords: Visual performance, correlated colour temperature, illuminance, Thai older adults
C. Namanee, N. Tuaycharoen (2019). Task lighting for Thai older adults: Study of the visual performance of lighting effect characteristics. Gerontechnology, 18(4), 215-222