Measuring nocturnal activity in Alzheimer's disease patients in a 'smart' hospital room
S. Banerjee, P. Couturier, F. Steenkeste, P. Moulin, A. Franco
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AbstractDemented elderly patients in the hospital need continuous follow-up. For this reason, we created a system of continuous telesurveillance with the help of eight passive infrared sensors and installed it in an experimental hospital bedroom to analyse patients' motor activity. Patients were continuously monitored by the system from 21:00 until 6:00 the next morning. We monitored patients' motor activity and correlated it with his or her illness as well as patient management. We present here three Alzheimer' patients, which included 147 nights of observation. The first, otherwise stable patient, presented an acutely confused state. In the second patient, chronic sleep disturbance was noted. In the third patient, a superimposed episode of nocturnal agitation on chronically prevailing sleep disturbance was found. Thus, the preliminary results show that this method of monitoring patients' motor activity could be a useful adjunct to patient diagnosis and management for the clinician.Keywords: smart room; actimetry; actigraphy; Alzheimer's disease
S. Banerjee, P. Couturier, F. Steenkeste, P. Moulin, A. Franco (2004). Measuring nocturnal activity in Alzheimer's disease patients in a 'smart' hospital room. Gerontechnology, 3(1), 29-35