Muscle activation pattern to distinguish balance recovery from falls at loss of balance
J. Park, S. Kim, W. J. Choi
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AbstractFalls are a major cause of death in older adults, and prevention is important (Berry & Miller, 2008). Since successful recovery of balance in the event of a fall is largely attributed to contraction of muscles (Qu et al., 2012; Weerdesteyn et al., 2008), unique muscle activation patterns may exist to differentiate balance recovery from falls, and such information should help develop fall prevention strategies to reduce the frequency of falls. We conducted falling experiments to examine muscle activation patterns during a backward fall versus balance recovery.Keywords: balance, EMG, fall, muscle activation
J. Park, S. Kim, W. J. Choi (2022). Muscle activation pattern to distinguish balance recovery from falls at loss of balance. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1