The importance of a worker’s perspective on digital technology
A. Spånt Enbuske
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AbstractIn the next ten years, Sweden is expecting an increased labor demand of over 280 000 care workers (1). Digitalization is set to solve part of the labor shortage and the Swedish government is emphasizing the need of investments in digital solutions and welfare technologies within the welfare sector (2). This will result in a change of both work content and work task. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the need of win-win solutions using trustworthy digitalization, which involves all users (professionals, elderly and relatives) in the development and the implementation of new technologies within the care sector (3). Kommunal* has shown that care workers experience a situation characterized by a lack of both risk assessments regarding health and safety, and a workers’ perspective when introducing new technologies at work (4). This is a serious problem, and the employers need to take advantage of the care workers’ motivation to improve their overall skills and digital competence in developing better welfare services for the aging population (5).Keywords: digitalization, welfare technology, personal integrity, work environment, trade unions
A. Spånt Enbuske (2022). The importance of a worker’s perspective on digital technology. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1