Supporting home- and community-based organization activities through a customized videoconferencing platform
G. Mois, S. Shende, R. A. Mudar, D. Myers, W. A. Rogers
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AbstractSocial isolation and loneliness are major challenges experienced by older adults worldwide, with negative implications on health and quality of life. The lack of accessible resources and services in many communities to address these challenges further exacerbate the negative consequences. Home- and Community-Based Organizations (HCBOs) have the goal of providing such services and, during the pandemic, have increasingly moved to video conferencing platforms to serve their clients and communicate with their staff members. However, existing video conferencing platforms are not designed for effective delivery and implementation of social engagement programs. Designers need to consider organizational capacity, platform functionality, activity types, and target audiences. The goals of our research project includes: understanding the needs and preferences of HCBOS to develop a dashboard that is adaptable to deliver community programs to older adults without increasing staff burden.Keywords: video-conferencing, community-organizations, social-engagement, social-isolation, loneliness
G. Mois, S. Shende, R. A. Mudar, D. Myers, W. A. Rogers (2022). Supporting home- and community-based organization activities through a customized videoconferencing platform. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1