Effects of age and familiarity on visual word recognition in Korean: Evidence from a web-based large scale lexical decision task
H. Baek, P. C. Gordon, W. Choi
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AbstractOne of the most robust psycholinguistic phenomena is a word frequency effect, which refers to the tendency for more frequent and more familiar words (e.g., life) to be recognized more efficiently than less frequent and less familiar words (e.g., dove). However, the influence of aging on the word frequency effect is still under discussion (Cohen-Shikora & Balota, 2016; Gollan et al., 2008; Rayner et al., 2006). While most earlier studies aimed at European languages such as English or German, relatively little research has examined age effects in Korean word recognition. Moreover, a number of attempts have recently been made in behavioral sciences to collect data through web-based experiment platforms, which enables more efficient data collection (Aguasvivas et al., 2020). Thus, the present study investigated age differences in familiarity effects in Korean visual word recognition through a web-based large scale lexical decision task.Keywords: word frequency, cognitive aging, web-based experiment, lexical decision, Korean word recognition
H. Baek, P. C. Gordon, W. Choi (2022). Effects of age and familiarity on visual word recognition in Korean: Evidence from a web-based large scale lexical decision task. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1