Critical engagements with ageing and technology – Why we need Socio-Gerontechnology
V. Gallistl & A. Peine (Conveners)
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AbstractPARTICIPANTS L. Neven (NL), J. Bergschold (NO), N. Dalmer (CA), K. L. Ellison (CA) A. Bischof (GER), P. Graf (GER), E. Loos (NL), M. Fernández-Ardèvol (ES), A. Peine (NL), A. Rosales (ES), D. Blanche (ES). ISSUE In recent years, scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds have developed critical perspectives on policies, research and practices surrounding Gerontechnology. Such perspectives have, for example, shown how gerontological research on ageing and technologies often follows a limited and instrumental understanding of technologies (1) or how the development of gerontechnologies by engineers and designers might be based on negative and at times stereotypical images of ageing (2). These common criticisms towards Gerontechnology call for a more critical approach when studying the aging-technology nexus as well as more reflexive forms intervening in the design of new technologies, products and services. As a consequence, researchers have put forward the notion of “Socio-Gerontechnology” (3,4), to explore the co-constitution of ageing and technologies, across instances of technology use and design (5). While this endeavour has stimulated many multidisciplinary and international reflections in, e.g., Science-and-Technology Studies, Age Studies, Critical and Cultural Gerontology and Design, the question remains how these diverse approaches can inform practice. In this session, we hence want to pose the question: (What) Do we need critical approaches to Gerontechnology (for) and how can Socio-Gerontechnology inform practice in policy and design?Keywords: Socio-Gerontechnology, theories, critical perspectives
V. Gallistl & A. Peine (Conveners) (2022). Critical engagements with ageing and technology – Why we need Socio-Gerontechnology. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1