Care coordinator application to manage chronic disease in primary care
B. L. Cho (Convener)
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AbstractISSUE Care coordination is important to manage chronic disease. But, there are in shortage of care coordinator in primary care of Korea. We started ‘Comprehensive chronic care project in primary care’ demonstration project. Care coordinator application program was introduced to solve the care coordinator shortage problem. CONTENT The application program consists of 1) AI chatbot application 2) Communication with health coach 3) Life style monitoring (exercise, diet, stress). It adopted blended approach with AI and health coach direct consultation. Primary care doctors and health coaches shared the health information of patients who agreed to this program. New system to facilitate communication among medical doctors and health coaches and patients was developed. STRUCTURE Patients are asked to install app by primary care physician. Primary care physician, health coach and patient communicate through the app more efficiently. CONCLUSION Patients who use care coordinate app managed their life style more efficiently.Keywords: chronic disease care model, primary care, care coordination, application
B. L. Cho (Convener) (2022). Care coordinator application to manage chronic disease in primary care. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1