Informal caregiver burden of disabled residing in a community according to use of care device
G. R. S. Hong, D. H. Won, E. J. Lee, D. Chung
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AbstractThe purpose of the study is to examine the differences in family caregivers’ burden based on the usage of caring device such as bed for preventing bedsore, wheelchair, electric wheelchair etc., and the predictive factors (caregiver age, educational level, daily care time, satisfaction on interactive relationship between caregiver and care-recipient, and perceived stress) of care burden in informal caregivers of people with disability in Korea.Keywords: care burden, persons with disability, perceived stress, care device
G. R. S. Hong, D. H. Won, E. J. Lee, D. Chung (2022). Informal caregiver burden of disabled residing in a community according to use of care device. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1