Digital inclusion for intergenerational solidarity
S. Chung (Convener)
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AbstractPresenters: S. Chung (Republic of Korea), A. Lee (Republic of Korea), S.Y. Park (Republic of Korea), Hannah Lee (Republic of Korea), Hajin Lee (Republic of Korea), Soontae An (Republic of Korea)
ISSUE Digital inclusion refers to the activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of information and communication technology (National Digital Inclusion Alliance, 2016). South Korea is one of the digital pioneer countries with outstanding digital infrastructure. However, the digital divide is an issue, especially for older generations and it can exacerbate the social isolation of older adults in this era of digital transformation. Therefore, digital inclusion is necessary to ultimately achieve intergenerational solidarity. CONTENT This symposium is designed by the Ewha Institute for Age Integration Research (EIAIR) to present our recently conducted research on older adults’ digital use. EIAIR aims to find novel ways to connect the young and the old to prevent the social isolation of older generations and achieve intergenerational solidarity. Digital inclusion is necessary to realize intergenerational solidarity in this rapidly changing society. The presentations show various attempts to improve older adults’ digital literacy and promote intergenerational exchange in the digital world.Keywords: digital literacy, digital divide, digital inclusion, intergenerational solidarity, technology adoption
S. Chung (Convener) (2022). Digital inclusion for intergenerational solidarity. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1