Older adults perspectives on the potential for technology to enhance care in academic medical centers
C. VandeWeerd, E. Sappington, M. Roberts, L. Poon
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AbstractAcademic-Medical Centers(AMCs) present a unique interface between academia, clinical care, and research and offer a platform for the provision of technological services that promote holistic, centralized, patient-centered care. These innovations can improve holistic care and health outcomes, but research on engaging older adults is still in its infancy. This study aims to 1) understand older adults’ perspectives on AMCs and their capacity to enhance healthcare through technological means; and 2) identify potential challenges and benefits of current technology in simplifying, streamlining, and enhancing care.Keywords: academic medical center, technology-enhanced care, patient-centered care
C. VandeWeerd, E. Sappington, M. Roberts, L. Poon (2022). Older adults perspectives on the potential for technology to enhance care in academic medical centers. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1