The impact of social capital, economic resources and health behavior on self-assessed health of older people in South Korea
S. Y. Lee, M. H. Cha, B. R. Hwang
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AbstractThis study identifies the impact of social capital, economic resources, and health behavior on self-assessed health in later life. Most of the preceding studies have looked at only the influence of economic resources (Lee and Han, 2020) or only the influence of social capital, so that multidimensional influence factors of economic, social, and health behavior that affect health in old age There are limitations that have not been explored. This study aims to examine the multidimensional effects of social capital, economic resources, and health behavior of older people self-assessed health and to derive implications for social policy, Gerontechnology, and the environment based on this.Keywords: older people, social capital, economic resource, health behavior, the self-assessed health
S. Y. Lee, M. H. Cha, B. R. Hwang (2022). The impact of social capital, economic resources and health behavior on self-assessed health of older people in South Korea. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-2