Development of usability evaluation indicator for a rehabilitation exercise enhancement device using cognitive-physical combined intervention among the elderly
A. Lee, S.-H. Park, S.-S. Kim, J.-H. Kim, Y.-H. Bae
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AbstractTraining with virtual/augmented reality is an emerging technology that leads to physical, social, and psychological well-being in older adults (Lee et al., 2019). Few studies on usability evaluation indicators for a rehabilitation exercise enhancement device using cognitive-physical complex intervention have been studied. This study aimed to develop usability evaluation scenarios and indicators for a rehabilitation exercise enhancement device using cognitive-physical complex intervention among elderly (i.e., virtual/augmented reality and dual-task training). The usability evaluation indicators were primarily to assess issues in the usability of the product in both older adults and sports/exercise specialists for health using the device.Keywords: usability evaluation, indicator, scenario, cognitive-physical combined intervention, augmented reality
A. Lee, S.-H. Park, S.-S. Kim, J.-H. Kim, Y.-H. Bae (2022). Development of usability evaluation indicator for a rehabilitation exercise enhancement device using cognitive-physical combined intervention among the elderly. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1