Developing innovative digitalized community-based senior exercise program to improve older adults' cognitive and physical functions
K. E. Lee, Y. H. Ro
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AbstractThe impact of COVID-19 on the quality of life for older adults (i.e., aged above 65) who live in senior living facilities has been disruptive and detrimental regarding all aspects of their cognitive, physical, and emotional health. The pandemic forced older adults to encounter limited physical activities and increased rates of social isolation, loneliness, and unexpected bereavement, resulting in significant reduction in cognitive/physical/mental function of older adults, especially those living senior facilities. As we are rapidly recovering from COVID-19 pandemic, health care providers (HCPs) face significant challenges to meet the increased yet various health needs of the vulnerable aging population, most importantly, their need for living an “Active and Healthy Aging (AHA)” without physical dysfunction and dementia. The desire for AHA without having physical or mental dysfunction becomes more important than ever (WHO, 2020a). The purpose of this study is to develop Digitalized Community-based Senior Exercise Program (DCSEP) which can improve cognitive and physical functions of older adults with minimal or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This is the stage 1 study, which will be followed by a pilot intervention study (Stage 2) and a quasi-experimental, multi-measure pre/post-test research study with large sample size (stage 3).Keywords: active & happy ageing (aha), aha index, square stepping exercise, cognitive-body coordination
K. E. Lee, Y. H. Ro (2022). Developing innovative digitalized community-based senior exercise program to improve older adults' cognitive and physical functions. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1