Enhancing neurocognitive health, abilities, networks, & community engagement
W. R. Boot, S. J. Czaja, N Charness, W. A. Rogers
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AbstractThe ENHANCE Center represents a consortium of three institutions (Weill Cornell Medicine, Florida State University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). The focus of ENHANCE is on developing novel technology solutions to help older adults living with cognitive impairments live independently. The target populations of the ENHANCE Center are older adults living with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), older adults living with cognitive impairments due to traumatic brain injury (TBI), and older adults living with cognitive impairments due to stroke (PSCI). Technology solutions developed by ENHANCE aim to support transportation and mobility needs, socialization and cognitive engagement, and prospective memory functioning.Keywords: cognitive impairments, technology design, needs assessment, stakeholder engagement
W. R. Boot, S. J. Czaja, N Charness, W. A. Rogers (2022). Enhancing neurocognitive health, abilities, networks, & community engagement. Gerontechnology, 21(s),3-3