Stakeholder perspectives on care robot users at the intersection of age and gender: Empirical-ethical analysis
M. Weßel, N. Ellerich-Groppe, F. Koppelin, M. Schweda
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AbstractDemographic ageing and the shortage of professional care workers will constitute a crucial challenge for future eldercare. The introduction of care robots to support the independent life and care of older people is considered a promising solution. Despite the potential of care robots, their use also raises questions of moral acceptability, for example regarding issues of diversity sensitivity and discrimination (Weßel et al. 2021). Thus, the development and implementation of robotic systems are often based on stereotypical assumptions about the users’ age and gender and neglect the diversity of their actual needs and preferences. In this paper, we explore the assumptions of professional stakeholders about the age and gender of potential users and discuss their ethical implications for morally acceptable diversity-sensitive robotics in eldercare.Keywords: age, gender, care robots, stakeholder, diversity
M. Weßel, N. Ellerich-Groppe, F. Koppelin, M. Schweda (2022). Stakeholder perspectives on care robot users at the intersection of age and gender: Empirical-ethical analysis. Gerontechnology, 21(s),5-5