Relationships between ICT use and subjective well-being among the oldest-old in Germany: Findings from the NRWBO+ study, older persons and the domestication of smart speakers
A. B. Kucharski, S. Merkel
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AbstractCommercial voice controlled personal assistants – so-called smart speakers, e. g. Amazon Echo/Google Home – have gained increasing attention within the field of gerontechnology. Studies have investigated different aspects, e.g. technology acceptance of smart speakers (Koon et al., 2020), reasons for (non-)use (Trajkova/Martin-Hammond, 2020), ontological perceptions of smart speakers (Pradhan et al., 2019), privacy concerns (Bonilla/Martin-Hammond, 2020), and domestication of such devices (Nimrod/Edan, 2021). Most of these studies report results of technology deployment projects with instructed use and lack a perspective on the domestication of smart speakers in old age. This paper aims to explore perspectives of older smart speaker users on their real-world domestication processes of smart speakers to understand how older users negotiate(d) the appropriation, meaning and (non)-use of smart speakers and its contents/applications within their individual socio-technical contexts, i. e. life-worlds. Therefore, this case study analyzes seven empirical cases to reconstruct/understand the perspective of users on the emergence of real-world ageing-smart-speaker relations and to investigate possible implications of smart speaker use, e. g. the co-constitution of usage practices, subjectivities, values (Peine/Neven, 2020).Keywords: elderly, senior, older person, smart speaker, domestication, Amazon Alexa, Google Home
A. B. Kucharski, S. Merkel (2022). Relationships between ICT use and subjective well-being among the oldest-old in Germany: Findings from the NRWBO+ study, older persons and the domestication of smart speakers. Gerontechnology, 21(s),2-2