Co-design priorities and components of AAL technologies with formal caregivers to support dementia care in Taiwan
D. Bai, M. C. Ho, M. Y. Chu, K. C. Huang, Y. L. Hsu
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AbstractDementia has become one of the most important and challenging areas in health care (Gauthier et al., 2021). Improving quality of life for people with dementia (PwD) relies heavily on optimal care quality and efficiency, which however, is difficult to be achieved as most health institutions are understaffed. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technologies provides an alternative approach of increasing the health outcomes of PwD as well as reducing the care burden for caregivers. As part of the European Union ‘Active and Assisted Living Programme’ project “HAAL: HeAlthy Ageing eco-system for peopLe with dementia”, this study aimed to investigate the perspectives of formal caregivers working with PwD to establish priorities and components of designing a HAAL platform which combined different AAL technologies.Keywords: co-design, AAL technology, older adults, caregiver, dementia
D. Bai, M. C. Ho, M. Y. Chu, K. C. Huang, Y. L. Hsu (2022). Co-design priorities and components of AAL technologies with formal caregivers to support dementia care in Taiwan. Gerontechnology, 21(s),5-5