Understanding the benefits and roles of mobile instant messaging use for the Korean elderly’s mental health: An exploratory study focusing on emotional recovery and suicide prevention
H. N. Lee, S. T. An, S. D. Chung
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AbstractIn Korea, every 35 minutes someone takes their own life. The suicide rate was particularly high among the elderly population over the age of 60, with 49.2 deaths per 100,000 population (World Health Organization, 2021). Suicidal ideation is one of the strongest predictors of suicide attempts (Nock et al., 2008); it’s known that a majority of people who attempt suicide often communicate their intent to others in advance of this (Hawton, Houston, & Shepperd, 1999; Isometsa, 2001). People’s responses to others’ symptoms of depression or suicidal ideation play an important role in preventing suicide and providing the appropriate help in a timely, supportive manner (Van Orden et al, 2006). This study explores the benefits and barriers of disclosing feelings of depression or suicidal ideation to others. In addition, this research investigates how the elderly react to expressing their mental health issues online, particularly those interactions via mobile instant messaging. Mobile instant messaging (MIM) has become a dominant form of everyday communication among the Korean elderly population (KISDI, 2021). As expressions of suicide-related feelings via social media are associated with seeking peer support, it is important to examine how the elderly communicate and respond to suicidal ideation or their fluctuating mental health state in digital spaces.Keywords: mobile media, social connectedness, digital communication, mental health, suicide prevention, elderly
H. N. Lee, S. T. An, S. D. Chung (2022). Understanding the benefits and roles of mobile instant messaging use for the Korean elderly’s mental health: An exploratory study focusing on emotional recovery and suicide prevention. Gerontechnology, 21(s),3-3