Development of needs-resources prediction model using integrated case management big data
Y. Kim, H. Kim, T. Lee, S. Min, S. Park, W. Lee
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AbstractIn Korea, social care services are becoming important according to changes in the demographic structure due to aging. Case management using big data is used to effectively respond to this. The use of big data provides new insights into social service planning, goal setting, and delivery (Gillingham et al. 2017), and serves as an alternative methodology when qualitative methods for accessing dangerous or vulnerable classes are not sufficient or reasonable (Zetino et al. 2019). Recently, machine learning-based prediction models were employed to understand the complex needs in case management and to accurately support the resources that matched them. The purpose of our research is also to develop a machine learning-based prediction model for three big data surveyed by the Social Security Information Service and local governments.Keywords: case management, social care services, big data, machine learning, multi-label classification
Y. Kim, H. Kim, T. Lee, S. Min, S. Park, W. Lee (2022). Development of needs-resources prediction model using integrated case management big data. Gerontechnology, 21(s),3-3