Technology based frailty prevention model with an eCBT application and a multisensor device
H. Jung, S. Yoon
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AbstractIn prior studies, we showed clinical efficacy of person-centered community based multicomponent program in preventing progression of frailty and disability in vulnerable older adults. Even with its potential efficacy, person specific provision of multicomponent exercise has been rarely provided for frailty prevention in resource-constrained communities. To facilitate the scaling up of multicomponent frailty prevention program, we aimed to develop an electronic cognitive behavioral therapy (eCBT) based smartphone application comprising multicomponent mobility exercises with incentive features that was personalized to physical performance parameters acquired by a multisensor device.Keywords: sensors, eCBT, applications, multicomponent interventions, frailty
H. Jung, S. Yoon (2022). Technology based frailty prevention model with an eCBT application and a multisensor device. Gerontechnology, 21(s),3-3