Analysis of dangerous driving behavior per driver age with taxi driving log data
A. Son, J.-G. Lee
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AbstractElderly driving has emerged as one of the critical social issues, and the number of traffic accidents caused by elderly drivers increases year by year. The accidents caused by the drivers over the age of 60 took 25% of all accidents in 2019 in South Korea (TS, 2019). Dangerous driving behavior is highly correlated with traffic accident risk (Trirat & Lee, 2021). Thus, this study aims to identify the differences in dangerous driving behavior among four age groups: below 60, from 60 through 64, from 65 through 69, and above 70.Keywords: dangerous driving behavior, digital tachograph (DTG), statistical analysis, elderly driver
A. Son, J.-G. Lee (2022). Analysis of dangerous driving behavior per driver age with taxi driving log data. Gerontechnology, 21(s),3-3