Wheelchair use, pain, and satisfaction with life in a national sample of older adults
V. Leung, A. Colantonio, P.L. Santaguida
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AbstractOlder adults with significant disability rely on wheelchairs to minimize the impact of their disability. It is therefore critical to identify aspects of living (e.g. pain, life satisfaction) that are affected by wheelchair use. Wheelchair users may develop overuse syndromes and pain. There is, however, limited data on pain associated with wheelchair use among older adults. This study explored the relationship between wheelchair use and pain and life satisfaction of community living older adults. Results show that older wheelchair users experience more pain than non-users. As well, pain interfered strongly with activities and life satisfaction.Keywords: wheelchair; pain; life satisfaction; community living
V. Leung, A. Colantonio, P.L. Santaguida (2005). Wheelchair use, pain, and satisfaction with life in a national sample of older adults. Gerontechnology, 3(3), 159-164