Validation of audiovisual educational gerontotechnology for older adults with chest pain
J. G. Silva & S. E. Betiolli
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AbstractInformation and educational technology into health for older adults plays a crucial role to enhance their quality of life and promote social inclusion (Paho, 2023). The aim of this study was to evaluate an educational gerontotechnology as a guide for chest pain treatment in emergency health services. Considering chest pain one of the most frequent complaints in urgent and emergency services (Miranda; Rampalliotti, 2019), the objective of the study was to validate the content of an audiovisual educational gerontotechnology related to the care of older adults complaining of chest pain in the urgency and emergency service.Keywords: elderly, chest pain, health of the elderly, educational technology, emergency care
J. G. Silva & S. E. Betiolli (2024). Validation of audiovisual educational gerontotechnology for older adults with chest pain. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1