Intervention mapping of a mobility outcomes monitoring system for geriatric patients
C. Auger, N. El Hajj, N. Bier, L. Demers, W. C. Miller, S. Ahmed
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AbstractEvidence suggests that providing training and follow-up for older adults with mobility limitations after mobility device provision can improve adherence to device use and function (Best et al., 2016), but there is a lack of systematic and coordinated services. To address this gap, a theoretically informed digital intervention called MOvIT+™ was designed to provide remote monitoring and support for older adults and their caregivers (Auger et al., 2022). This paper explicitly describes how, using intervention mapping (Eldredge et al., 2016) and a novel approach to a collective decision-making method, the features of the intervention were linked with intervention users’ needs and program outcomes for older adults using mobility assistive technology, their caregivers, and health professionals.Keywords: digital interventions; intervention mapping; self-management devices; remote assistance; remote monitoring
C. Auger, N. El Hajj, N. Bier, L. Demers, W. C. Miller, S. Ahmed (2024). Intervention mapping of a mobility outcomes monitoring system for geriatric patients. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1