What has changed in nearly 3 decades of technical developments for persons with dementia?
A. van Berlo
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AbstractAs a biomedical engineer, the author started to work in Gerontechnology in 1993. For his MA thesis in gerontology in 1997, 11 in-depth interviews were conducted with informal caregivers and the results were categorised into several technical requirements and proposed technical solutions of the time. Thirty years later, 11 in-depth interviews were conducted again with informal carers and some people with moderate dementia, after they had implemented some technical solutions of the present. Here, the deployments of technologies are part of the EU funded project SMILE (Smart Inclusive Living Environments). All persons with moderate to severe dementia have been recruited by care organization tanteLouise (Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands) that tries to prolong independent living because of shortage of care personnel.Keywords: dementia, technology, informal caregivers
A. van Berlo (2024). What has changed in nearly 3 decades of technical developments for persons with dementia?. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1