Morning SNS roll-call message and elders’ replies: Word-based analysis on seasonal change
M. Mitsuoka, R. Watanabe, R. Mitsuoka, H. Murayama, S. Tokuga, R. Otsu, C. Yamaguchi, S. Ishihara
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AbstractDuring the COVID-19 period, elders had severe problems, such as social isolation and difficulties in keeping physical activities. NPO “Energize older people by health degrade prevention,” Oita prefecture local government and ICT company Somelight Co. Ltd have different promotive activities, including lectures on mobile devices, zoom video conferencing, and LINE messenger. One of these projects, Somelight Co. and NPO, began the “Nou-Waka 365 (Brain-Young)” morning roll-call in LINE in July 2021. 82 elderly participants received mass messages at 7 am every morning. The mass message includes advice on health, nutrition, physical activities, and seasonal greetings. Although making a reply to the mass massage was voluntary, many of the participants replied. Staff at Somelights made different replies to each participant. Three years and more have passed; the roll-call and reply activities are still active. This paper presents text analysis results on a participant’s replies through seasons.Keywords: messaging service, roll-call, reply, ICT
M. Mitsuoka, R. Watanabe, R. Mitsuoka, H. Murayama, S. Tokuga, R. Otsu, C. Yamaguchi, S. Ishihara (2024). Morning SNS roll-call message and elders’ replies: Word-based analysis on seasonal change. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1