Service robot for laundry transport and drink distribution in nursing homes
A. Ziltener, J. Frei, K. S. Lohan, T. Ospelt, M. Wüst
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AbstractIntroduce the potential of service robotics as a solution to challenges faced by retirement and nursing homes due to societal aging and workforce shortages. It outlines a multidisciplinary project examining the implementation of service robotics in elderly care, emphasizing the need to consider various dimensions such as human, technology, business, and law (Seifert & Ackermann, 2020). The main focus is on the robot system Lio and its potential applications in elderly care (Klein et al., 2018), particularly in tasks like laundry transport and drink distribution. The presentation includes the following research question: How can the two tasks of laundry transport and drink distribution be developed and tested within the technical maturity of the service robot Lio and what are the non-obvious challenges that need to be considered in this type of development?Keywords: service robot, caregivers, elderly care, drink distribution, laundry transport
A. Ziltener, J. Frei, K. S. Lohan, T. Ospelt, M. Wüst (2024). Service robot for laundry transport and drink distribution in nursing homes. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1