Caregivers and technology: Need assessment to improve digital contents on Alzheimer’s disease
D. Piromalli, G.Mas Vall-llosera, M. Ivirico, L. Ortiz, K. Fauria, M. Suárez-Calvet
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AbstractThis study represents the second phase in a larger project aimed at developing a user-centric digital platform to assist caregivers of people living with Dementia (PwD), specifically Alzheimer’s disease. The main objective is to analyse caregivers’ opinions regarding digital contents as resources designed to support them, according to a previous study where the areas of need were detected (Piromalli et al., 2023). This approach is supported by the theoretical basis of participatory design in healthcare, which posits that effective digital tools are best created with active input from end-users, thereby ensuring relevance and utility in real-world settings (O’Connor et al., 2016; Cheraghi-Sohi et al., 2023). Additionally, we have gathered caregivers' insights on content they believe would be relevant for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's (Read et al., 2020). This analysis will inform the design of a digital platform aimed at supporting both caregivers and individuals recently diagnosed.Keywords: Alzheimer, caregivers, digital contents
D. Piromalli, G.Mas Vall-llosera, M. Ivirico, L. Ortiz, K. Fauria, M. Suárez-Calvet (2024). Caregivers and technology: Need assessment to improve digital contents on Alzheimer’s disease. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1