Siloed and fragmented: Understanding communities of design and implementation involved in English technology-enabled care services
M. Lariviere
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AbstractIn the last ten years, there has been an increasing emphasis from industry, government departments, and some local authorities embrace digital technology to ‘modernise’ care systems and arrangements (Wright and Hamblin, 2023). One challenge for new digital technology, like other complex interventions, is the capacity to which they can become quickly and sustainably embedded into care services and systems (Hamblin and Lariviere, 2023). This paper explores one dimension that affects the capacity for new digital innovations to penetrate care services: the divide between actors responsible for developing care technology and those responsible for their implementation in care systems.Keywords: digital innovation, social care, implementation, design, care
M. Lariviere (2024). Siloed and fragmented: Understanding communities of design and implementation involved in English technology-enabled care services. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1