Innovative technologies for health equity in marginalized groups and underserved communities
J. B. van Waterschoot (Convener)
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AbstractParticipants: J.B. van Waterschoot (the Netherlands), P.J. Gramberg (the Netherlands), M. Bults (the Netherlands), P.P. Morita (Canada and France), C. Daum (Canada), L. Liu (Canada), A. Miguel Cruz (Canada), A. Ríos Rincón (Canada). ISSUE Technology is a tool that can bring benefits, but may increase disparities between people due to limited accessibility or relevance. Health innovations should be more accessible for marginalized and underserved communities, including people with limited digital literacy. Co-creation is a strategy to reduce inequities by involving end users, such as patients, clients, residents, professionals, in the health innovation development and implementation. CONTENT This symposium focuses on technology acceptance, usability, and adoption in marginalized groups and underserved communities. We use the GATE’s 5P framework (WHO, 2022) to describe aspects of innovative technologies: people, policy, products, provision and personnel. First, Van Waterschoot and Gramberg will talk about innovative technologies to support professionals in the communication with older adults living independently at home. A virtual assistant has been developed to increase the awareness of seniors regarding their living conditions at home. Bults, Zuidhof, van den Berg, Liu, and den Ouden will discuss barriers and opportunities for wide-scale implementation of innovative technology in healthcare. Morita, Istrate, Zalc, Rumeau, Vigouroux, and Campo will focus on sustainable AAL technology for supporting seniors in independent living shared homes. Finally, Ríos Rincón, Miguel Cruz, Daum, and Liu will challenge assumptions about digital technology acceptance among older adults. STRUCTURE Presenters from the Netherlands, Canada, and France will give a brief presentation summarizing their papers. This will be followed by round table discussions based on the GATE’s 5P Framework.Keywords: older adults, health equity, innovative technologies, acceptance, usability, adoption, inclusion
J. B. van Waterschoot (Convener) (2024). Innovative technologies for health equity in marginalized groups and underserved communities. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1