Financial challenges for successful aging-in-place: feelings and concerns of a group of Brazilian older adults
C. S. S. Castro, K. B. Agostinho, R. C. S. Kuroishi, J. M. Castro, J. F. V. Guimarães, N. Meiners, C. J. Zanon
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AbstractTo describe the financial demands, feelings and concerns of Brazilian elderly people that can influence their aging-in-place (AIP) to serve as input in the choice of technologies, improving the financial management of vulnerable older adults. Such management can ensure resources that favor personal and environmental factors or even absorb security costs.Keywords: financial needs, Aging-in-place, Gerontechnology, welfare state
C. S. S. Castro, K. B. Agostinho, R. C. S. Kuroishi, J. M. Castro, J. F. V. Guimarães, N. Meiners, C. J. Zanon (2024). Financial challenges for successful aging-in-place: feelings and concerns of a group of Brazilian older adults. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1