“Navel is like a friend." - Acceptance of a social robot in long-term care
D. Moroz, K. Baumgärtner, J. Schoch
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AbstractGiven the rapid development of new technologies, particularly AI (Artificial Intelligence), it is crucial to engage with this progress and explore potential applications of AI in institutional elderly care settings (Janowski et al., 2018). A pilot project involving the social robot "Navel" (Figure 1) is being conducted in two nursing homes of the Evangelische Heimstiftung, a diaconal and non-profit care company in Southern Germany, where Navel is in use since the end of 2023. The project, in collaboration with the developers, tests use cases and evaluates the acceptance and impact of Navel on residents and staff through the internal Institute for Care and Aging. The research questions focus on the extent to which Navel is accepted by individuals and how it can be integrated into resident care. Additionally, it investigates whether Navel can complement the care offerings and enhance positive emotions among residents.Keywords: artificial intelligence, social robot, nursing home, residents
D. Moroz, K. Baumgärtner, J. Schoch (2024). “Navel is like a friend." - Acceptance of a social robot in long-term care. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1