Health2Home – Mapping home-based diagnostic imaging services around the world: A market research
G. F. Costa, H. S. B. Novais, L. J. Lorenzi, H. S. M. Kort, T. M. Raymundo, P. C. Castro
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AbstractThere is a growing demand for telemedicine, e-health and remote or out-of-hospital healthcare, with home imaging diagnostic services being important as an essential alternative in care. However, there are still no scientific design guidelines or protocol guidelines on how to provide these services and a lack of mapping on where to access these services (WHO, 2021). Therefore, it is important to analyze the characterization of companies that offer these services, detailing the procedures adopted. The aim of this paper was to map all countries that have home diagnostic imaging services and companies that perform these services as case studies.Keywords: diagnostic imaging; portable; residence; user-centered design
G. F. Costa, H. S. B. Novais, L. J. Lorenzi, H. S. M. Kort, T. M. Raymundo, P. C. Castro (2024). Health2Home – Mapping home-based diagnostic imaging services around the world: A market research. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 2-2