Carrying out imaging and chart exams at home: A cost analysis
L. F. Belo, A. Itria, R. Esteves, P. C. Castro
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AbstractImaging and graphic exams performed at home can offer comfort, safety, and less exposure to hospital contamination (Bokolo, 2021), in addition to reducing process costs for patients and healthcare providers (Kjelle et al, 2019). Cost analyzes are fundamental steps to validate the incorporation of health technologies, however, there are few studies in the literature on economic evaluations of performing diagnostic imaging exams at home. The aim of this study is to compare the costs between carrying out diagnostic imaging and graphic examinations at home compared to carrying out these examinations in public and private services.Keywords: cost minimization analysis, economic evaluation in health, diagnostic imaging, Health Unic System
L. F. Belo, A. Itria, R. Esteves, P. C. Castro (2024). Carrying out imaging and chart exams at home: A cost analysis. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1