Evaluating robot effectiveness for older adults and their care partners
Y. Tsai, S. A. Olatunji, H. P. Mahajan, R. A. Mudar, W. A. Rogers
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AbstractEffectiveness generally refers to the attribute of a system, process, or product to support its users in completing actions accurately (adapted from ISO 9241-11 usability definition (ISO,1998)). The effectiveness of a robot to support an older adult therefore refers to the degree of accuracy and completeness with which older adults can accomplish their goals using the robot. The satisfaction of the older adults in this process is vital because it impacts their comfort, willingness to use, actual use, and eventual acceptance of the robot (Boot et al., 2020). Older adults and their care partners have been reported to be open to robots as a care tool (Shishehgar et al., 2019). However, a critical question emerges - are robots ready? Is the task completion process satisfying to the users? These are the questions motivating this research wherein we examined the effectiveness of robots to support older adults and their care partners.Keywords: assistive robots; seniors; caregivers; usability; technology acceptance
Y. Tsai, S. A. Olatunji, H. P. Mahajan, R. A. Mudar, W. A. Rogers (2024). Evaluating robot effectiveness for older adults and their care partners. Gerontechnology, 23(2), 1-1